Mainlanders blamed over longer waits at baby units

Local mothers-to-be have to wait at least an hour longer than their scheduled times for prenatal checkups and injections due to the influx of mainlanders, a survey by the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong has revealed.
The DAB polled a total of 449 local moms-to-be and those with children, aged under two years, at maternal and child health centers and public hospitals between January 31 and February 7.

Around 85 percent blame deteriorating standards in obstetric services as well as maternal and child health services on the influx of pregnant mainlanders.

Sixty percent also complain about the even longer waiting times.

Legislative Council member Gary Chan Hak-kan, who is one those behind the survey, said yesterday mothers who are giving birth for the second time have complained about the deteriorating standard of service this time.

“For instance, one woman told us that at the time of her first natural delivery in 2010, she was able to undergo 15 prenatal checkups, whereas for her second delivery last year, out of the allotted nine prenatal checkups, she actually had only three and consulted the doctor once," Chan said.

Seventy percent are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with current standards in obstetric services as well as maternal and child health services.

This is especially true in the New Territories hot spots for gate-crashing mainlanders.

Chan disagrees with the comments of Secretary for Food and Health York Chow Yat-ngok on the difficulty of distinguishing pregnant mainlanders, whose husbands are local from those who are not.

There have been calls for mainlanders married to Hong Kong men to be given priority when it comes to hospital and care services.

“That [Chow’s comment] is simply an excuse. As the pregnant mainlanders cross the border, they can be asked to state the identities of their husbands clearly," Chan said.

If administrative means fail to stop mainlanders from entering the territory, then an interpretation of the Basic Law should be considered.

DAB member Philip Tsang Hing- lung said: “Some complain about the deteriorating environment in medical institutions. Locals are shocked when they see some mainlanders allowing their babies to pee in the sinks."

Concern was also raised at the shortage of school places, medical services, housing and social welfare.

“The authorities should upgrade family health services, add more beds and equipment, and hire more medical personnel," Tsang said.


香港文匯報訊(記者 嚴敏慧)內地孕婦湧港產子,攤薄香港醫療資源。民建聯調查發現,57%受訪本地孕婦及育有幼童的母親不滿意現時的婦產科及母嬰健康服務,主要是輪候時間過長,以新界東及新界西的不滿比率最高;85%受訪者認為,服務質素下降與「雙非」孕婦來港分娩有關。民建聯指,有剛分娩第二胎的香港媽媽反映,10年前懷首胎時到醫院產檢5次,每次均獲安排與醫生會面,惟是次懷孕僅產檢3次,其中一次更由護士負責,由於是高齡產婦,她擔心產檢太少,未能有效監察胎兒健康,最終要自費找私家醫生進行檢查。



隔10年再生BB 感產檢時段減


